A woman who is changing the construction industry is Semper Tek’s Assistant Project Manager, Suzie Brown. Suzie has been a part of Semper Tek’s team since 2021 and started in the construction industry in 2008 and has loved it since. Suzie was drawn to the construction industry because she always wanted to follow in her dad’s footsteps. Her father owned his own business for underground utilities and always told Suzie that she would end up in the construction industry one day!
As Suzie has been in the construction industry for over 15 years and has a lifetime full of influence, she sees how women truly play a unique role in the industry. “Women have a diversity of ideas; they can introduce new methods and approaches that have not yet been explored. Today, construction is not only open to women – it’s in need of them” says Suzie.
A career in construction can be a rewarding one. Especially working on projects that give back to the community and those who have served for our country. “Working on Fort Moore Army Post is such an honor – we are free because they are brave.” said Suzie.

Though there is a low percentage of female workers in the construction industry, in 2022 it hit a record high at 14% according to The Washington Post. As more women enter the construction industry it is important that we encourage each other. “Pave your road and break the stereotype” says Suzie. Her advice to building a strong career as a woman in the industry is to “Empower other women, ask questions, let opportunity in, build trust, and honor your commitments; but most importantly be confident to use your skillset to make the right decisions”.